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Things I Want To Know More About

Ever since coming to college, I have realized how in control of yourself you really are; that you are now responsible for keeping yourself healthy, active, proactive, and, well, alive. Considering these things along with some other lifestyle tips, I have been jotting down and putting together a list of things that I would like to get to know more about.

1. Dorm Workouts

No one has time to go to the gym everyday, nor the motivation to. Let's figure out some ways to avoid the Freshman 15 without having to leave our rooms, shall we?

2. Dining hall alternatives

Not having a kitchen is arguably one of the worst things about dorm living. Although our house shares a communal kitchen in the basement, its not the same as having your own stocked up with all your favorite tools, pots, and pans.

3. Vitamins!!

I have so much admiration and respect for people who take daily pro-biotic vitamins; I am so bad at keeping routines even if it benefits me/my health. I'm excited to do some research on this topic and get back to you. Expect a full blog on this someday.

4. DIYs

Why am I not crafty and cute and aesthetically pleasing? Seriously though, one of my goals for this year (and next, since this one's almost over) is to be more artsy and try some DIYs I find on Pinterest. I'll most likely be documenting the process and posting the successes on here, stay tuned.

5. Self-Help books

Learning about yourself and mental health is SO IMPORTANT. End of conversation.

6. Why people dress nicely for class?

Do I really need to explain myself here?

7. Essential Oils & their benefits

This kind of relates to the whole vitamin ordeal. There are so many benefits that come from using essential oils, I just need to figure out what they are and which oil they are associated with.

8. Good Music

Any kind of music is good music. It just depends on who is listening. And the time they have. I'm not hugely into listening to music nor do I listen to it whenever I can, but I do believe that it is capable of changing your mood and giving you a different perspective. I want to find good music.

9. Skincare and Haircare

I love beauty, but what college student has enough money to explore products and try new things? Slow and steady, am I right?

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